The Norwegian government proudly presented on October 30th our action plan for women’s rights and gender equality in foreign and development policy. This plan from Norway is a beacon of our commitment to anchor gender equality as a core priority in its foreign policy. Learn more about this plan here.

Norway: Commitment to Gender Equality

“Gender equality is not just a fundamental human right, but also a catalyst for economic growth. We believe that without the full and equal participation of women and men, girls and boys, challenges in the areas of food security, conflict resolution, and climate change cannot be effectively addressed.”

Strengthening Sexual and Reproductive Rights

“We are witnessing a worrying trend where the rights of women and girls to decide their own future are being curtailed. We are committed to strengthening the international acceptance of sexual and reproductive rights. This includes ensuring access to contraception and safe abortions, and providing sexual education, both within and outside of school programs.”

Economic and Political Rights

“We strive to give everyone, regardless of gender, the right and opportunity to decide over their own body and future. This means we are committed to the right to decent work, union membership, equal rights to inheritance and property, and access to financial resources and services.”

Access to Education and the Labor Market

“Ensuring access to education that leads to paid work, and enabling women to acquire the skills necessary to play an active role in society, is a focal point of our policy.”

Women in Political Processes in Norway

“We are committed to creating a strong normative framework for women’s rights and gender equality, to increase the representation and influence of women in political processes and to improve the safety of human rights defenders.”

Norway’s Promise: A Future of Autonomy and Equality for All

“Our action plan is a declaration of our determination to ensure that all people, regardless of gender, have the right and opportunity to decide over their own body and future, and to lead a life free from violence with equal economic and political rights. We stand at the forefront of the fight for women’s rights and gender equality, both nationally and internationally, and work together with competent partners to create a more just world.”

Women’s Rights in Norway Today

In Norway, gender equality is highly valued. According to the 2021 Global Gender Gap Index, Norway is ranked third worldwide, indicating a high level of gender parity.

Norway also has a military elite unit consisting solely of women, which underscores the country’s commitment to gender equality in various sectors. This demonstrates that Norway strives for equal rights and opportunities for women not only on paper but also in practice.